Scottish Veteran Left Crippled By Pain After Hernia Mesh Procedure

In a new article for the Sunday Post, a Scottish veteran is speaking out about the horrors of hernia mesh, breaking his silence around the life-altering complications he began to suffer after a procedure undergone four years ago.
“Nothing Prepared Me For The Hell” Of Hernia Mesh
David Foulkes, 56, served two tours of duty during the Gulf War, emerging from the conflict “unscathed,” the Sunday Post reports. “I served and fought twice, and was prepared to die or be injured in the name of Queen and country,” Foulkes says. But it was a hernia mesh procedure performed four years ago that literally and figuratively brought Foulkes to his knees.
“Nothing prepared me for the hell I’ve been left to face from the ‘simple hernia operation’ that reduced me to a shell,” Foulkes says. Foulkes’ chronic pain is so terrible that “even liquid morphine” cannot control it.
Testicle Removal Fails To End Chronic Pain
Two years ago, Foulkes had a testicle removed in hopes that it would ease his suffering. But “the pain is just as bad,” he reports. “Now I feel I’ve lost my manhood too.” Unable to work, Foulkes lost his job and now lives off his navy pension and disability benefits. Prior to his procedure, Foulkes worked as an electro-mechanical engineer. He visited the gym on a daily basis.
Recalled Mesh Still Causing Major Problems
While the article does not specify the hernia mesh Foulkes received, it is apparently a type that has now been recalled throughout Europe.
Foulkes says he was never warned about the risks of hernia mesh. Nor was he given a choice to undergo a non-mesh procedure.
He’s struggled for years to get any medical professional to admit that mesh may be at the root of his problems. “I’ve even been sent to a psychiatrist because I was told my pain was ‘all in my head,’ ” the veteran explains, echoing the thousands of women who suffered severe injuries due to transvaginal mesh, many of whom have been told they have psychological issues. It was only recently that two specialists finally admitted that Foulke’s problems come down to mesh.
Scottish Politicians Lead Fight Against Mesh
Scotland was the first country in the world to ban transvaginal mesh implants. Now, public health advocates in the country are hoping that similar action can be taken on hernia mesh, which is being used on five-times the number of patients as transvaginal mesh ever was.
“The Potential For Disaster Is Huge”
Several Scottish politicians are already calling for a halt to hernia mesh operations. MSP Neil Findlay is asking the Scottish Government to ban the procedures so that a thorough investigation can be completed. “Given what we know about transvaginal mesh implants, and the length of time this government took to waken up to one of the biggest scandals of modern times,” the parliamentarian says, “an immediate suspension is the only way to protect the future wellbeing of thousands of hernia patients.”
“The potential for disaster is huge,” Findlay says, since some medical reports suggest that up to 30% of hernia mesh patients may experience complications. Currently, around 10,000 Scottish patients undergo hernia mesh procedures every year.
Former Scottish Health Secretary Alex Neil, who was instrumental in spearheading the fight against transvaginal mesh, favors similar policies for hernia mesh. “It is vital that we take the same actions for hernia mesh patients,” Neil says.
Need Help?
Have you been injured due a defective hernia mesh? You may be eligible to pursue a hernia mesh lawsuit to recover for damages. Call Rosen Injury Lawyers today for a free consultation.